A broad representation of humanity, of every social class and from many nations, resides in the vicinity of On Nut Road, from Sukhumvit to the Outer Ring Road expressway. Like everyone else, they live, work and play, raising their children and hanging out chatting.
As a social welfare foundation, we are naturally most concerned for those in greatest need, such as those in slum communities or one-room-apartment complexes. But no one, no matter their status, can say they have no need. In fact, we all share the deep need of meaningful connection with one another. We all like to have good neighbors.

We are working to slowly build neighborliness. One thing we have seen is that there are few nice places for people to spend time that don’t cost money. So we have been working on building two such places. One, a shop house on On Nut, has a coffee shop, activity rooms and soon will have an art studio that neighbors can come use for a small fee. The second place has a small peaceful garden with a place for children to play.

Our workers also spend time in neighborhoods, visiting people at home, doing special activities, and more.